Edinchira Devi Temple Pathanamthitta

The Edinchira Devi Temple is located in Adoor, Pathanamthitta district.The presiding deity of the temple is Goddess Edinchira Devi, who is worshipped with great reverence by devotees seeking her blessings for protection, prosperity, and well-being.

The temple celebrates various festivals throughout the year, with special emphasis on Navratri, the nine-day festival dedicated to Goddess Edinchira Devi. Other festivals such as Vishu and Thiruvathira are also observed with fervor and devotion by devotees.

Chettikulangara Sree Bhagavathi Temple Alappuzha

The temple serves as a focal point for the community, bringing people together in worship and celebration. Various religious and cultural events are organized, fostering a sense of unity and devotion among devotees.


The Temple has a number of festivals. The important ones are :

Aswathy Maholsavam

Aswathy Maholsavam is a festival celebrated in the Malayalam month of Meenam. It typically falls during the Aswathy Nakshatra (star), which occurs in the month of Meenam according to the Malayalam calendar.

Chandrapongala Maholsavam

During this festival, devotees, especially women, gather at temples to offer pongala, a sweet dish made of rice, jaggery, coconut, and other ingredients, to the goddess. The offering is made in traditional clay pots and is believed to symbolize devotion and gratitude, seeking the blessings of Goddess Bhagavathi for prosperity and well-being in the evening.

Contact Address: Edinchira Devi Temple, Angadikkal Thekku, Pathanamthitta

Edinchira Devi Temple Images

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